Anglican Communion News Service


Participants following their three-day Indaba on violence against women and girls. Photo: ACNS

Women’s Indaba a ‘success’

The first three-day Indaba process specifically designed for women todiscuss the issue of violence has been hailed a success by participants.

Churches in England are complaining that bat conservation efforts are ruining churches not just physically, but financially. Photo:jakit17

Bat conservation ‘costly,’ say UK churches

Bat conservation is damaging churches not just physically butfinancially and cannot be sustained, Environment Minister Richard BenyonMP was told today.

Do you know what’s in your food? The Church of England is joining the battle against GMOs. Illustration: Lightspring

Ethical investment policy on GMOs adopted

The policy, on the advice of the Church’s Ethical InvestmentAdvisory Group (EIAG), allows for investment in companies developing andmarketing GMOs (genetically modified organisms) where there issatisfactory assurance on, and confidence in, ethical standards.

An unidentified woman writes on a wall expressing her support for a campaign to end violence against women in Putrajaya, Malaysia. Photo: Syahreil Hafiz

‘Ensure women’s equality’

Renowned Bangladeshi diplomat Ambassador Anwarul K. Chowdhury will betelling Anglican women from around the world that the end of violenceagainst women is only one step in ensuring gender equality.

The Old City of Jerusalem, seen through razor wire, illustrating the Holy Land's history of division and conflict. Photo: Ryan Rodrick Beiler

Christian attitudes to the Holy Land

A document to help Anglicans around the world to engage moredeeply with and become more informed about the issues surrounding thesituation in the Holy Land, is online and will soon be available to buyas a book.

The Rt. Rev. Justin Welby will be enthroned as Archbishop of Canterbury on March 21. Photo: archbishop of

Justin Welby confirmed as Archbishop of Canterbury

The Bishop of Durham, the Right Reverend Justin Welby, hasofficially become the Archbishop of Canterbury at a ceremony, known asthe Confirmation of Election, which took place in the context of anact of worship in St Paul’s Cathedral today.

Justin Welby, bishop of Durham, chats with choristers as he prepares to leave the diocese to take up his new position as Archbishop of Canterbury. Photo: Keith Blundy

Bishop of Durham says farewell to diocese

The Right Revd Justin Welby, Bishop of Durham and Archbishop ofCanterbury Elect, tonight (Monday January 28) bade farewell to theDurham Diocese with a message of hope for the people he is leavingbehind.

Bishop Suheil Dawani says the crisis in Syria "requires urgent action"and Christians "cannot be silent [witnesses] to the brutal treatment ofwomen and children." Photo: Art Babych

Dawani: ‘Syria sexual violence must end’

The bishop of the Episcopal diocese of Jerusalem, Suheil Dawani, hasspoken out against sexual violence affecting women and children escapingSyria and criticised “archaic attitudes” to women that dominate theregion.

The conflict has also caused the displacement of people in the town of Goma, in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo after it fell to M23 rebels last November. Photo: Photo: ACT Alliance/LWF/Fred Otieno

Anglican university in Congo attacked

One of the member schools in Colleges and Universities of the AnglicanCommunion (CUAC) in Africa has been affected by the fighting in Congo.

Archbishop of Canterbury-elect Justin Welby was among those who took part in the Twitter initiative, which will be replicated for Lent. Photo:

Church rejoicing over Christmas Twitter campaign

The Church of England today released figures for its Christmas Twitter campaign #ChristmasStartsWithChrist.

Launched in November 2012, congregations and clergy in the12,500 parishes of the Church of England were encouraged to get outtheir smartphones and livetweet the joy and meaning of Christmas in aseries of 140 character messages to the 10 million people who make upthe UK’s ‘Twitterati’.

Archbishop Phillip Aspinall offered his praise for women bishops in Australia, which is celebrating the 20th year of the ordination of female priests. Photo: Marites N. Sison

Women bishops praised by Anglican Primate

The Primate of the Anglican Church of Australia on Nov. 23 offered his praise for women bishops in Australia. In the twentieth year since the

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