Asia-Pacific co-ordinator hired

By Anglican Journal Staff
Published April 1, 1999

Jim Davis has been appointed as Asia/Pacific development and global program co-ordinator with the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund. Mr. Davis replaces Elly Vandenberg, who provided interim coverage of the Asia/Pacific and Global desk.

Mr. Davis, who was born and raised in Los Angeles, has an extensive background in development management, and has worked in several African countries. He has also worked as a consultant with major U.S.-based international development institutions. This work included visits to various parts of the Philippines, Hong Kong and Guangzhou province in the People’s Republic of China. He relocated to Toronto recently. His partner, Kerri, is a high school teacher preparing for ordination in the United Church of Canada.

Mr. Davis said he is looking forward to working with the PWRDF’s international partners, and views this as a way to work effectively with partners in the Southern Hemisphere.

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