April 2022 Issue

The force of truth

The Dixie Cup font

One of the things I love about this life is how the most divine moments find us. Sometimes when we look for them they’re not there; ...

April issue chronicles journeys to renewal

Moving beyond pain towards new life, Anglicans envision the future with ever greater focus in the April issue of the Anglican Journal.
Featured image

Listening to Holy Week

For me, it's all about the music. That shouldn’t come as a surprise, given my training as a classical composer. After two years of near-silence from ...

New institute at Wycliffe among projects funded by U.S. Lilly grants

A Toronto seminary is hoping its new institute for church research and data analysis will be a “game-changer” for understanding how societal trends affect church ...

Holy Week: Journeying beyond pain to hope

At times a part captures the essence of the whole. For Christians, Holy Week is the essence of the whole life of faith.

Hoping window not fated for the wrecking ball

The beautiful chancel window with its figure of Christ knocking at the door, referred to by various speakers and in many sermons, was placed by the ...

A mother’s vision

Elizabeth Laugharne, parishioner and volunteer archivist at St. Mary the Virgin Anglican Church, Victoria, submitted this photo and reflection as part of our continuing feature ...

Indigenous church documents unveiled

The founding documents for Sacred Circle, the self-determining Indigenous church within the Anglican Church of Canada, have been revealed to the world.

Behind the curve: When COVID-19 restrictions ease, how should churches react?

As this issue was heading to press in early March, the Omicron wave of COVID-19 seemed on the way out. ...

General Synod postponed until at least 2023

Editor’s note: An earlier version of this story appeared on anglicanjournal.com Feb. 17.  General Synod will not be meeting this ...

Archbishop of Canterbury plans return visit to Canada

Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby will visit Canada from April 29 to May 3, accepting an invitation from Archbishop Linda Nicholls, primate of the Anglican ...
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