April issue focuses on resurrection

Christ's Appearance to Mary Magdalene after the Resurrection. Alexander Ivanov, 1835. Image: Wikimedia Commons
Published March 31, 2020

The April 2020 issue of the Anglican Journal is now online, with a focus on Easter. While Eastertide may look different than expected in this time of social distancing and isolation, we hope the April issue will bring some hope, with stories that celebrate resurrection.

In honour of the season, you’ll find stories reflecting the spirit of Good Friday and Easter. Meet a priest who’s running a death café, an international phenomenon trying to help people of all faiths (or none) confront and talk more honestly about death. We also bring you the story of Fort MacMurray, four years on from a devastating wildfire, to see how Anglicans are helping resurrect a community. In their monthly columns, Archbishop Linda Nicholls, primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, shares the joy of Easter, while Archbishop Mark MacDonald, national Indigenous Anglican archbishop, muses on the critical importance of love.

This issue also features stories of Anglicans working together for good. We checked in with Anglican refugee ministries across the country to hear how the need for refugee resettlement is growing in these troubled times. In the first installment of a new feature on how the national church makes use of your donations, ‘Freely Received, Freely Given,’ we spotlight its Resources for Mission department’s support for climate change initiatives. And, in a guest column by Spiritual Care Practitioner Philip Murray, we see how one chaplain is making a difference in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside.

Another guest columnist in this issue, Canon David Harrison, finds liturgical lessons in the Netflix film The Two Popes. And speaking of liturgy, we bring you a look at choral evensong, a uniquely Anglican expression that may be an as-yet untapped opportunity for Canadian churches.

In news, find the results of the episcopal election in the Territory of the People and the announcement of diocese of Edmonton bishop Jane Alexander’s (now postponed) resignation. And as always, there are letters from our readers.

Read this issue’s articles on anglicanjournal.com or download the full issue as a PDF here.


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