Anglican award

Published October 1, 2006

Rev. Paul Gibson, who served as General Synod’s liturgical officer and consultant for theological education for 25 years, is to be awarded the Cross of St. Augustine by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams.

Mr. Gibson, who is currently part-time co-ordinator of liturgy for the worldwide Anglican Consultative Council, is one of 10 who will receive the award at a ceremony at Lambeth Palace on Oct. 31.

“The Cross of St. Augustine has historically been awarded to clergy and lay people of foreign churches who have contributed conspicuously to advancing friendly relations with the churches of the Anglican Communion,” Lambeth Palace said in a statement. “More recently, it has been given for outstanding service within the Church of England whether centrally or in the dioceses, or the Anglican Communion as a whole, and also to those who have contributed to advancing relations between the various Christian communions and churches.”

During his time at the national office of the Anglican Church of Canada, Mr. Gibson, now retired, helped to edit the Book of Alternative Services and was project manager of the 1998 hymn book, Common Praise.


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