WE WERE UNABLE to fit all the news of General Synod into our July supplement. On the page following are the remaining articles and corrections to July’s coverage.
New life
Primate Michael Peers and the bishop of Montreal, Andrew Hutchison, plant a tree during General Synod. The tree is a sign of the church’s expression of concern for the damage done by last winter’s ice storm.
In our rush to pull together General Synod coverage, some errors crept in for which we apologize. Lutheran Bishop Telmor Sartison’s name was misspelled in a photo caption.
On the list of delegates to General Synod, a computer glitch pulled the letters “the” out of delegate names, leaving the names of Ms. Catherine Pate and Sister Heather Broadwell spelled incorrectly.
Our organization chart misidentified the Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples.
The Faith, Worship and Ministry Committee actually has 15 members.
And the Council of General Synod has 40 members, 32 of whom are elected by provincial caucuses, plus two youths elected at large, one member of the military ordinariate and five officers. The council acts as the authority of General Synod between meetings of synod.
The Journal regrets the errors.