Anglican Journal is the national newspaper of the Anglican Church of Canada. It covers news of the Anglican church across the country and around the world, as well as religion in general.
Stories should be of interest to a national audience. They are usually about a national event or a local issue that reflects the larger picture.
The newspaper also features book reviews and occasionally film, music and theatre reviews. Material for consideration can be forwarded to Anglican Journal at the address below.
Maximum length for a news article is 500 words; a feature is usually 1,000 words.
Unsolicited manuscripts are not accepted for publication. All article queries should be submitted to Tali Folkins at
Anglican Journal is produced on a Mac desktop computer system. Stories must be submitted via e-mail as a Word document or PDF.
A high-resolution photo or illustration should accompany your article. We prefer colour glossy photos with high contrast for conversion to black and white. Electronic photos should be JPG format, at no less than 300 pixels per inch resolution.
Please address queries to:
Anglican Journal
80 Hayden St. Toronto, ON M4Y 3G2
fax: 416-925-8811