
A Pentecost prayer for courage and bravery

Published by
Archbishop Chris Harper

Feather (prayer): Creator God, we the children of your creation stand humbled as your grace is revealed before us, in the change of seasons and the promise in your Word given. Forgive us as we have failed you and Creation by losing sight of you and straying from the good road. Grant us courage to meet this day with open hearts that we can speak truthfully and go forward with bravery, knowing that your guiding hand and strength are with us. Bless us that we might be a blessing to others. In Jesus we pray. Amen.

Sage (Offering): Courage and bravery are attributes tempered by wisdom and strength of heart. Like all gifts, as they are given and revealed they exemplify that no good teaching or person stands alone, but leans heavily on that which has already been taught by those before and amongst us. Courage and bravery are the gifts we all need for making the good in us come out to bless the community and all around us. Though these gifts are similar, I see one typically coming before the other: courage, with wisdom, is what helps us make good choices for ourselves and our community; then we need bravery to commit to completing the task ahead.

As we step into May, I lift my prayers for all who walk forward in courage and bravery, beginning new journeys, new ministries and new blessings. I think of students who now start to wind down the year of study and prepare for finals, the farmers who pray for the season ahead and bravely begin seeding preparations, for the ministry teams of the church as we shift from Easter and look to the season of Pentecost. I think of you, the reader, and pray that your ministry (that which you are called to do and be) will be strengthened with assurance and confidence, and that the blessing of the Creator God will lift you up with courage and the bravery in all you’ll need to be a blessing as you are blessed + + +


  • Archbishop Chris Harper is national Indigenous archbishop of the Anglican Church of Canada.

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Published by
Archbishop Chris Harper