A father’s long, lonely search for missing son

Published March 1, 2006

Stan Halkett with a photo of his son, Kevin, who vanished without a trace in central Saskatchewan almost 13 years ago.

The diocese of Saskatchewan has launched a campaign to bring awareness to a case involving a 15-year-old boy and his 68-year-old grandmother – both of them Anglicans – who vanished without a trace in the village of Chitek Lake in central Saskatchewan almost 13 years ago. Kevin Charles and his adoptive grandmother, Mary Goodfellow, are believed to have disappeared on the night of April 3-4, 1993.

According to an article published at the time in the Prince Albert Daily Herald, police reported that two people had come to the Goodfellow home in the night and broken in the house, threatening Kevin and accusing him of stealing. The teenager reportedly ran to a house across the street, shouting for help but the occupants did not answer the door. The rest of the evening remains a mystery.

Bishop Anthony Burton of Saskatchewan threw the diocese’s support behind Kevin’s parents, Stan and Marlene Halkett, and their family. The missing family members were remembered in prayers last Christmas at the Anglican church at Little Red Reserve, where Stan has served for many years as church warden. Stan’s brother, Adam, is the archdeacon of Saskatchewan and his sister, Josephine, is a member of the Order of Saskatchewan.

The diocese, which is selling “Find Kevin & Mary” pins, said it launched the Find Kevin Project on its Web site to encourage people who may know something about the case to come forward with information. The diocese has also urged Canadian Anglicans to pray for Kevin and Mary and their families.

The diocese is also accepting donations to keep the campaign going.


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