May 2023 Issue

New bishop for Northern Ontario: Morris Fiddler consecrated after years-long delay

Anglican Voices: Dreaming Small

“DREAM BIG!” Those words have always made me squirm. Back in my school days, well-meaning teachers and coaches said them ...

Opening our hearts to the springtime of the spirit

Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. When they saw him, ...

Prayerful yoga offers ministry for body and soul

St. Mark’s Anglican Church, Halifax is—you might say—stretching the range of its ministry and attracting wider community interest with a ...

National office mulls move-in with United Church of Canada

The office of General Synod may move out of its current office in Toronto into space owned by the United ...

Young pilgrims prepare for ‘journey of a lifetime’ to Holy Land

A pilgrimage through the biblical lands where Jesus walked will mark the culmination of this year’s Easter season for 20 ...

Colonialism’s legacy seen in marriage debate

Fifth instalment of Hearing the Lambeth Calls, a 10-part series on the calls to the global Anglican Communion made at ...

Four honoured with Anglican Award of Merit

Four Anglicans have been named to receive the Anglican Award of Merit, the Anglican Church of Canada’s highest honour for ...

New rules making refugee sponsorship harder: bishop

The diocese of Islands and Inlets—also known as the diocese of British Columbia—is investigating how it can continue its volunteer ...

Thomas Anthony remembered for same-sex rights, anti-apartheid activism

The Rev. Thomas Anthony, former director of the Anglican Church of Canada’s National and World Program—now known as its Global ...
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