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2014 church calendar now available

The 2014 Canadian Church Calendar features beautiful images of Anglican churches from coast to coast. The cover photo of St. John's Anglican Church in Garden River, Ont., was taken by Terry Wurdemann.
The 2014 Canadian Church Calendar features beautiful images of Anglican churches from coast to coast. The cover photo of St. John's Anglican Church in Garden River, Ont., was taken by Terry Wurdemann.
By Anglican Journal Staff
Published August 28, 2013

The 2014 Canadian Church Calendar is now available for purchase.

Featuring beautiful images of Anglican churches from coast to coast, the calendar includes scripture passages and feast days, among others.

The calendar is now on its 108th year. The first edition was published in 1906 by the Missionary Society of the Church of England.

In 1964, the Canadian Churchman, forerunner of the Anglican Journal, took over publication of the calendar. A portion of the calendar sales supports publication of the Anglican Journal; for two years in a row now, the calendar has sold out.

“People are thrilled when their church is represented in the calendar,” said Saskia Rowley, art director of the Anglican Journal. “The thing that pleases me is when churches are represented in their anniversary year.”

Calendars may be ordered from Augsburg Fortress/Anglican Book Centre by phone (1-800-265 6397) or online.

They may also be ordered from the calendar secretaries listed below:

Anglican Parishes of Central Interior
Sue Cane
360 Nicola Street
Kamloops, BC V2C 2P5
(250) 819-5753



Diocese of Brandon Resource Centre
Ellen Strange
403—13th Street
Brandon, MB R7A 4P9
(204) 727-6613


British Columbia
Judith Coleman
Diocesan Synod Office
900 Vancouver Street
Victoria, BC V8V 3V7
(250) 386-7781


Mrs Joan Hanna
3355 Oakwood Drive SW
Calgary, AB T2V 4V6
(403) 281-5049


Central Nfld
Mrs. Bev Parsons
Diocesan Synod Office
34 Fraser Road
Gander, NL A1V 2E8
(709) 256-2372


Margaret Marschall
Synod Office
10035 103rd Street
Edmonton, AB T5J 0X5
(780) 439-7344


Kevin Richardson
Church of England Institute
116 Princess Street
Saint John, NB E2L 1K4
(506) 693-2295


New Westminster
Mrs. Marjorie Henry
ACW Office
W.A. Memorial House
334 West 14th Avenue
Vancouver, BC V5Y 1X4
(604) 876-3720


Nova Scotia
Anna Langille
6017 Quinpool Rd
Halifax, NS B3K 5J6
(902) 423-8697


Church Book Room
90 Johnson Street
Kingston, ON K7L 1X7
(613) 544-1013


Mrs. Catherine Hannah
1003—1356 Meadowlands
Drive East
Nepean, ON K2E 6K6
(613) 727-9331


Mrs. Ruth Moffat
103—2225 Angus Street
Regina, SK S4T 2A3
(306) 522-4791


Western Nfld
Diocese of Cornerbrook
25 Main Street
Cornerbook, NL A2H 1C2
(709) 639-8712


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