Why adopt Vision 2019?

By Neale Adams
Published June 4, 2010

The Rev. Rob Marsh, Vision 2019 presenter

Confessing that “I’ve always wanted to be on the Letterman Show,” the Very Rev. Peter Elliott gave the "top 10 reasons" why General Synod delegates should adopt Vision 2019.

Dean Elliott’s presentation was the synod’s introduction to what promises to be the strategic plan for the Anglican Church of Canada over the next decade.

The top 10 reasons came up on the General Synod’s giant video screen in reverse order as they do on the late night television show.

They included:

10. Vision 2019 is in line with the 1893 sacred declaration.

9. It promotes links to the Anglican Communion.

8. It is time for a new plan.

7. It engages the Anglican “grassroots.”

6. It values work already undertaken.

5. It is specific but flexible.

4. It has the Primate’s endorsement.

3. It is prefaced by a short vision statement.

2. It is a call to the whole Church.

1. It is an invocation of the Holy Spirit.

Five clergy connected the plan to the Anglican Communion’s “Five Marks of Mission.” The Ven. Sidney Black of Calgary spoke of setting up a vacation Bible school on the Blood Reserve and how that fit in with proclaiming the Good News of the Kingdom.

The Rev. Rob Marsh illustrated how the teaching, baptizing and nurturing new believers was realized when he included both children and one of their dads in a confirmation class-and found the dad had to be baptized first.

The Rev. Lisa Vaughn, priest in a parish south of Halifax, spoke of how her parish has responded to human need by loving service. THer parish focuses on welcoming and hospitality in many activities including an Alpha and pre-marriage courses. “Loving service needs to be the focus,” she said. “People don’t care what you know until they know you care.”

Bishop Sue Moxley of Nova Scotia and PEI described the work of a justice camp that dealt with disruption of the Africville community of Halifax, responding to the call to transform unjust structures of society.

Via video conferencing, the Rev. Bill Mous of the diocese of Niagara said his parish is becoming increasingly aware of the sacredness of water resources, and followed the Copenhagen conference on climate change. This was in response to the call to work to renew the life of the earth.

Primate Fred Hiltz gave strong support to Vision 2019. “We could own this,” he said. “I hear people saying ‘I could take this back to my diocese, to my parish.’ “

Synod delegates then engaged in a short discussion about how the plan supports the church’s mission, and what, if anything is mission. Responses will inform the next session on Vision 2019 on Saturday afternoon. The plan is scheduled to come to the Synod floor for adoption or amendment Wednesday morning.

It can be found on the Anglican Church of Canada website at http://www.anglican.ca/gs2010/wp-content/uploads/019-GS2010-Vision-2019-Report-and-Appendices.pdf

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  • Neale Adams is a freelance writer in Vancouver. He was former editor of Topic, the newspaper of the diocese of New Westminster.

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