Uplifting to be part of a huge body of believers

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Editor’s Note:
As the Anglican Journal marks its 130th anniversary, we would like to hear from readers: what were your favourite stories and features? What has the newspaper meant to you as an Anglican? In the coming issues, we will feature some of your recollections. Please write to letters@anglicanjournal.com or Letters, Anglican Journal, 80 Hayden St., Toronto ON, M4Y 3G2.

The Anglican Journal has kept me aware of what is going on in other parts of the Anglican Church of Canada, and in other Anglican churches worldwide. This is good, but also unsettling. The good part is the uplifting feeling of being part of a huge body of believers. The unsettling part is that frequently, the church I see depicted bears little resemblance to the congregation I belong to, or to what I think the Anglican church is. Sometimes I see things I wish were happening here; often I am puzzled or disturbed by what other Anglicans are saying and doing.

John DosSantos


Chaplains say thanks

On behalf of the chaplains and chapels of the Canadian Forces, I would like to use this occasion to thank the Anglican Journal for its support to our communities. Throughout the years, Anglicans and those of many other denominations within our chapels have looked forward to the regular arrival of the bundle of Journals, bringing us news of not only the wider Church throughout Canada but of the Anglican Communion around the world.

Chaplains of all denominations have been impressed with the coverage that the Anglican Journal has given to our ministry throughout the years, and we have been elated that the Journal has seen it possible to continue to provide distribution to our chapel communities. Please be assured that those attending our multi-denominational chapels truly appreciate this gift and thoroughly enjoy the professionalism and sensitivity with which your journal captures the significant issues confronting all people of faith.

In closing, I thank you for the Journal’s continued support to military members and their families through the regular provision of papers to each of our Protestant Chapel communities and wish you God’s blessing as you celebrate this significant milestone in your history.

Rev. Col. S.G. Johnstone

Principal Chaplain Protestant

Canadian Armed Forces

Editor’s Note:

The Anglican Journal sends complimentary copies of the newspaper to all bishops in the Anglican Communion, members of Parliament, military chaplaincies, detention centres and many hospitals.


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