Three bishops announce retirement

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Three dioceses will hold electoral synods in the coming months as their bishops have annouced their retirements.

Bishop Leonard Whitten, 66, of the diocese of Western Newfoundland will retire on Oct. 31, 2003. Archdeacon Gordon Druggett, the bishop’s assistant, said an episcopal election has been set for June 21 to elect a co-adjutor bishop (assistant bishop with the right to succession).

“The co-adjutor will start on Sept. 1,” said Archdeacon Druggett, “so there will be a two-month transition before the new bishop actually takes over.” Although the bishop was not available for comment, Archdeacon Druggett said, “he will not give up ministry entirely.” A committee has been appointed to plan the electoral synod.

Also retiring Oct. 31 is Bishop William Hockin, 64, of Fredericton, as reported in the January Journal. His successor will be elected March 15.

Meanwhile, Bishop Douglas Blackwell, area bishop of Trent-Durham in the diocese of Toronto, has announced he will retire April 30, 2003. In 1988, Bishop Blackwell was elected a suffragan bishop, one of four area bishops in Toronto. An episcopal election will be held April 26 at St. James Cathedral, Toronto. The new suffragan bishop will be ordained June 21 at the cathedral.


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