Task force reviews primate’s role

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Bishop Michael InghamDiocese of New Westminster

The Council of General Synod heard that the task force on the role of the primacy wants to seek time in all four provincial synods where it can invite delegates to contribute their thoughts on what the role of a primate should be.

Among the questions the task force wants to ask, according to its chair, Bishop Michael Ingham of the diocese of New Westminster, are: “What should be the role of a primate in a church centered in Christ’s mission? What’s our governing paradigm? What leadership do we want to enable the mission of our church?”

The task force, which has been asked by the last General Synod to review the role, function, and responsibilities of the primate, and to make recommendations to changes in the next General Synod in 2010, also plans to interview former primates to get their input.


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