Primate’s Web casts get a makeover, with more interactive features

Published by
Solange DeSantis

Web casts (Internet broadcasts) featuring the Canadian primate, Archbishop Andrew Hutchison, introduced a new interactive format in February.

Accessible on the Anglican Church of Canada’s Web site,, the broadcast features a visit to Cuba by a group of Canadian Anglicans, including Archbishop Hutchison and his wife, Lois; Canon Philip Wadham, Latin America/Caribbean and mission education co-ordinator; Archdeacon Michael Pollesel, the new General Secretary of the General Synod, and Vianney Carriere, director of communication and information resources.

The Canadian primate is chair of the Metropolitan Council of Cuba and he attends the church’s annual synod. The Cuban Anglican church had been part of the Episcopal Church in the United States but separated in 1967 due to political tensions. The group also visited several projects supported by the Canadian church, including the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund.

The new Web cast allows users to choose among five short features concerning the Cuban visit. Mr. Carriere’s photographs are accompanied by narration. Archbishop Hutchison talks about an innovative farm program at the Christian Center for Reflection and Dialogue in Cardenas and about the general state of the Cuban church. Mr. Wadham, who was making his last trip to Cuba before retirement, reflects upon the friends he will miss and discusses a theological basis for the trip.

The Web broadcasts began shortly after Archbishop Hutchison was elected, in May 2004. They grew out of his desire to connect with Canadian Anglicans in a new, direct way. His e-mail address,, is prominently featured and viewers are encouraged to give feedback.


  • Solange De Santis was a reporter for the Anglican Journal from 2000 to 2008.

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Published by
Solange DeSantis