PBS names new national chair

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Michael Edward

Michael Edward, a lifelong Anglican and descendant of 18th-century Mohawk chief Joseph Brant, has been named national chair of the Prayer Book Society of Canada.

Mr. Edward is a tree farmer, vice-principal at a school in Prince Edward Island, and parishioner and chorister at St. Peter’s Cathedral in Charlottetown, P.E.I.

He said in an interview with the PBSC Newsletter that he took the job with the society because of his orthodox Christian beliefs.

Mr. Edward is a direct descendant on his mother’s side of Mr. Brant, who was a devout churchman and Canadian hero of the Seven Years’ War. His father was Scottish. He recalled a childhood of comfortably moving between the two cultures, steeped in both the Anglican and Mohawk traditions.

He is married to Catherine Gallant, an associate producer with CBC national radio.


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