
National office mulls move-in with United Church of Canada

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Anglican Journal Staff

The office of General Synod may move out of its current office in Toronto into space owned by the United Church of Canada, the Anglican Journal has learned.

Joseph Vecsi, director of Communications and Information Resources, confirmed that talks are underway about a move with the United Church but have not been finalized, and referred the Journal to Archdeacon Alan Perry, general secretary of General Synod for any additional details. But neither Perry nor a spokeswoman for the United Church of Canada were commenting on the talks at the time this article was written.

“The negotiations are ongoing and once we have something to announce, we’ll let you know,” Perry told the Journal. United Church of Canada spokesperson Lori-Ann Livingstone likewise said, “We don’t have anything to share at this point.”

General Synod’s current office occupies the first four floors and basement of a 21-storey condominium tower at 80 Hayden Street in downtown Toronto, abutting the Anglican church of St. Paul’s Bloor Street. It assumed ownership of that part of the building in 2006, after moving in in 2004. Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, many employees have been working from home.


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Anglican Journal Staff