Listening process

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Maria Christina Borges Alvarez, of the Episcopal Church of Cuba, at the ACC plenary.

A proposal was welcomed for a “continuing indaba project,” the next stage of the so-called listening process on the issue of human sexuality in the Anglican Communion.

The project will involve five diverse “pilot conversations,” which will focus on mission issues and will not avoid hard questions related to sexuality, the authority of Scripture, faithfulness to tradition and the respect for the dignity of all.

Indaba is a Zulu word for “the process of decision-making by consensus, common in many African cultures.

The ACC also endorsed The Bible in the Life of the Church an Anglican Communion-wide project, that will examine how Anglicans worldwide read and interpret Scripture.

Primates’ meeting

A resolution was approved asking the primates of the Anglican Communion to include “an equal number” of non-primatial members of the joint standing committee as non-voting participants in the primates’ meeting. Four primatial members of the standing committee are full members of the ACC.

Communion has ‘low reserves’

Member provinces were asked to increase their financial contributions to the Anglican Communion by 10 per cent over a three-year period to cover the cost of inflation.

Canon Kenneth Kearon, secretary general of the Anglican Communion, expressed concern that “we’re now operating on low reserves” of £104,000 ($183,000 Cdn).

He said that extra expenses had to be absorbed for things that hadn’t been planned for from 2005 to 2009.

Sixth Mark of Mission

A request by the Anglican Church of Canada and the 2009 Mutual Responsibility and Mission Consultation in Costa Rica to add a sixth mark of mission relating to peace, conflict transformation and reconciliation, was endorsed by the Anglican Consultative Council.


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