Large oil spill threatens Lubicon Lake Cree Nation

Published by
Diana Swift

Environmentalists say it will likely take years to clean up over 28,000 barrels of oil that spilled into a wetland near Peace River, Alberta. Photo: Rogu Collecti/Greenpeace

The interdenominational group Kairos is urging immediate action as Alberta’s largest oil spill since 1975 threatens the Lubicon Cree community of Little Buffalo in northern Alberta.

More than 28,000 barrels of oil, leaked from a ruptured section of the Rainbow pipeline, are affecting air quality and are poised to spread throughout local waterways.

The Lubicon community is reporting nausea and burning eyes as a result of the pervading petroleum stench, and some schools were closed. A few beaver, water fowl and migratory birds have been found dead.

The Lubicon community is asking for clear information from the company responsible, Plains Midstream, the Canadian subsidiary of the U.S. firm, Plains All American Pipeline.

Kairos, an alliance of Canadian churches and lay people for social and ecological justice, is asking concerned citizens to press the Alberta government and the oil company to release clear and timely information.

For more information, visit the Kairos website.


  • Diana Swift is an award-winning writer and editor with 30 years’ experience in newspaper and magazine editing and production. In January 2011, she joined the Anglican Journal as a contributing editor.

Published by
Diana Swift