Gingko tree story brings back flood of memories

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Dear editor,

The reference to Bishop William Charles White in the April article (Oddly, nobody recalls gingkos’ origins) brought back a flood of memories.

Bishop White spent some of his retirement years (late 1940s and early 1950s) in Fonthill, Ont., and he attended Holy Trinity Fonthill during that period.

I was in the junior choir and was a server in those years. When it was announced that the bishop would be the guest speaker we would all shudder in anticipation of a long rambling lecture about “my days in China.” We generally closed our eyes and tuned him out.

What a shame that we who were young were so shortsighted.

Looking back 50 years, I realize that we all missed the opportunity of a lifetime to learn so much about history in the making from a man who was there.

I am sure that there are others who still attend Holy Trinity Fonthill who were not as juvenile as I was at that time and who could relate many interesting stories about that amazing man.

Jim Casson

Welland, Ont.


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