Encouraging Anglicans to be thoughtful, generous trustees

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“Consider your possessions loaned to you by God.”
-St. Catherine of Siena, 14th c.

Canadian Anglicans are increasingly taking to heart St. Catherine’s sound advice. After all, what can be more certain than death and taxes-and almost always in that order. By careful planning for the sharing of your estate with family members, close friends, your church and favourite charities, you will have gone a long way toward minimizing taxes owing upon your death.  You will also have peace of mind, knowing that you will be supporting those people, ministries and causes you feel are important and that reflect your priorities and values.

If, for some reason, you feel you should leave everything to your adult children, why not ask them if they would be happy to share 90% of your estate, and then give 10% to your church, university, hospital foundation or other charitable organization? Or consider wealth-replacement insurance, so you can make a charitable gift and with the tax credit, purchase an insurance policy on your life so you can provide for your grandchildren.

Fortunately, you don’t have to die first to be generous. During one’s lifetime, a gift of securities, a charitable gift annuity or a significant cash gift can make all the difference in the world…and if your contribution is for your church or registered charity, you will receive substantial tax relief.  

Archdeacon John Robertson is senior gift planning officer, General Synod.

For more gift planning information, contact:
Archdeacon John M. Robertson, Resources for Mission, Anglican Church of Canada, 80 Hayden St., Toronto, ON M4Y 3G2
Telephone (toll free) 1-888.439-GIFT (4438)    
Email: jrobertson@national.anglican.ca


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