Design contest focuses on the power of the media

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The World Association for Christian Communication has launched a world-wide design contest to find a symbol that sums up its big idea: in political conflicts, media can make the difference.

WACC, whose members include journalists, media academics and grass-roots newspapers and radio stations, is inviting designs for a logo to be used at its World Congress in 2001.

The logo, organizers say, “must powerfully signify” the theme of the congress – “communication’s role in the process of achieving reconciliation out of a confrontational situation.” The congress will be held near Amsterdam from July 3-7, 2001.

The winner will receive an invitation to the event with all expenses paid. WACC spokesman David Shanks told ENI: “The logo will have a massive role in the congress, from appearing on publicity material to use in the conference centre.

“We expect that the opportunity to network with the expected 500 or so communicators at the congress will prove attractive to designers, particularly for the grassroots entrants whom we are particularly keen to reach.”

The London-based international organization includes among its corporate members all four sponsors of ENI: the World Council of Churches, Lutheran World Federation, World Alliance of Reformed Churches and Conference of European Churches.

WACC’s 1998 income, chiefly grants from churches and governmental development agencies, was 6 million Swiss francs (approximately US $4.1 million). The title of the congress – Communication: from Confrontation to Reconciliation – echoes a process taking place in many countries and regions of the world, including South Africa, Northern Ireland and Latin America, according to WACC.

WACC believes that democratising communication, and providing everyone with the opportunity to communicate, will help the process of reconciliation. The organization operates projects around the world whose aims include freeing the airwaves, opposing repressive press laws and promoting communicators in shanty towns.

WACC’s commitment to a grass-roots approach is reflected in the contest rule that logos may be entered in full colour, two colours or black and white.

“There is a vast variation in resources available to our potential entrants, and we want everyone to have an equal chance,” said Mr. Shanks. If a black and white design was chosen, it could be adjusted for colour afterwards.

The closing date for entries is Aug. 31. WACC hopes to organize an exhibition at the congress of all the logos entered.

For information contact: WACC, 357 Kennington Lane, London, SE11 5QY, UK. Tel: 44 171 582 9139; fax: 44 171 735 0340;; web:


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