Council of General Synod Briefs

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In other business, the Council of General Synod (CoGS):

  • elected Dean Peter Elliott of Christ Church Cathedral, Vancouver, in the diocese of New Westminster as deputy prolocutor, following the resignation of Archdeacon James Cowan who was recently elected bishop of the diocese of British Columbia . The deputy prolocutor assists the prolocutor of General Synod. Both are officers who chair meetings of General Synod and the Council of General Synod.
  • accepted the invitation of the diocese of Rupert’s Land to hold General Synod 2007 in Winnipeg , since it will coincide with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada ‘s National Convention. The two churches proclaimed a new, closer relationship called Full Communion in 2001.
  • voted to appoint Nancy Hurn to the post of General Synod archivist at the national office in Toronto , following the resignation last August of Terry Thompson. Ms. Hurn was most recently an archivist with the city of Toronto .
  • welcomed Judy Robinson, who becomes director of pensions on Jan. 1, 2004 , following the retirement of long-time director Jenny Mason.
  • voted to support a draft statement opposing anti-Semitism that is being developed by the Canadian Council of Churches.
  • heard that Archbishop Michael Peers, the primate, has announced new membership for the Primate’s Theological Commission, which encourages and promotes theological discussion in the church. It was established by the General Synod of 1995. Members of the first commission met from 1996 until 2003 and produced three workbooks on fundamental theological questions. The current commission will consider the theological basis on which Anglicans approach inter-faith dialogue, among other issues. The chair is Bishop Victoria Matthews of Edmonton and members are: Rev. Stephen Andrews, Bishop Benjamin Arreak, Walter Deller, Rev. Wendy Fletcher-Marsh, Rev. Jamie Howison, Rev. Paul Jennings, Rev. Joanne Mercer, Robert Moore, Rev. Gary Thorne, Maddie Urion, Rev. Lisa Wang.


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