Canada news briefs: Ecclesiastical Province of Ontario

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Communications priority urged

The Diocese of Toronto needs to place higher priority on communications if it hopes to be relevant to the larger society, increase its financial support and build congregational strength. That’s the view of a four-month communications study by a consultant working in conjunction with the diocese. The diocesan task force, which commissioned the consultant, has recommended a number of communications improvements. It wants the diocese to hire a full-time communications manager to co-ordinate external and internal communication, develop a communications strategy, and make better use of the College of Bishops as the voice of the Anglican Church in the media. The diocese had a communications director but the position was eliminated several years ago when the department was downsized from five positions to two: editor of the diocesan newspaper, The Anglican, and a graphic designer and production coordinator. The recommendations have been forwarded to the diocesan executive committee. Toronto Anglican

Camp welcomes HIV-positive people

Camp Wendake is a one week oasis for people who are HIV positive or have AIDS. The camp, begun by the AIDS Committee of the Diocese of Huron in 1997, is unique because it welcomes all members of the family. Other camps which offer similar ministry are limited to moms and kids or gay men. Camp Wendake is an inclusive community using Diocese of Huron camping facilities. It includes recreation such as swimming and canoeing, but also spiritual programing through dream workshops, journaling, and alternative therapies such as massage. Several Anglican clergy and lay people are among the volunteer staff. The project has been funded by the diocesan AIDS Committee as well as private donations. Campers are charged a nominal rate of $45 per family per week. All staff are volunteers. Huron Church News

Algoma group visits Caribbean

A 14-person delegation from the Diocese of Algoma recently traveled south to visit the companion diocese in the Windward Islands of the Caribbean. The delegation traveled by large airplane, small planes and a ferry to visit all three island nations in the diocese: St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and Grenada. In the process delegation members visited 25 of 48 churches in the diocese. One of the Algoma visitors was Dorothy Forster, 93, of the Church of the Epiphany in Sudbury, Ont. She met her pen pal of four years, Viola Gathers, 85, of Holy Trinity in Georgetown, St. Vincent. The whirlwind tour strengthened ties between the two dioceses, which have included twinning parishes. Algoma Anglican


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