Canada briefs: Ecclesiastical Province of Rupert’s Land

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Anglican Journal Staff

Contemporary worship in Brandon

The entire service is presented on a screen with an overhead projector. The organ and choir have been replaced by a music group. Half the choir pews have been removed to make more space. And the pulpit is out. It’s all part of changes to update worship at St. George’s, Brandon. Rev. Jim Brown, rector of the parish says changes are a way to reach out to the unchurched and young people and make the service more “user friendly.” Initially, the service included only contemporary music, played to the accompaniment of three guitars, a drummer and singers. But because of requests some of the traditional hymns were brought back. Mr. Brown said newcomers have appreciated not having to find their place in a book.

Mustard Seed

Youth make 40-foot sundae

It might not have qualified for the Guinness Book of World Records but it was impressive nonetheless. Stretching 40 feet long, the sundae recently created by a deanery youth gathering at St. Stephen, Saskatoon, was a highlight of a day-long event which included games, singing, talk and, of course, consumption of the elongated sundae.

Saskatchewan Anglican

Focusing on prayer power

The Diocese of Calgary is joining with the Anglican Fellowship of Prayer to host a weekend conference in October with keynote speakers Dr. Richard Foster, professor of spiritual formation at Asuza Pacific University in California, and Canon Herbert O’Driscoll, well-known speaker and author. The Theology Alive gathering will be held in Canmore, Alta. and will be the western conference for the Anglican Fellowship of Prayer.



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Anglican Journal Staff