It all started when one of his younger parishioners wore pink hair to church. Rev. Charles Thorne, of the Cathedral Church of St. Andrew, Prince Rupert, B.C., said he liked the new look. Then egged on by parishioners, he agreed to a dare. If the congregation agreed to raise $500 in pledges for the restoration fund, he would dye his hair purple for one month. At the parish Shrove Tuesday supper the Lenten purple was revealed. The challenge had raised $1,600.
Caledonia Times
Three Vancouver parishes are urging the Diocese of New Westminster to support the blessing of same-sex relationships within the Anglican Church. The parishes of St. Paul’s, St. Margaret’s Cedar Cottage and Christ Church Cathedral passed resolutions calling on the diocese, which holds its annual synod this month, to adopt policies supporting full and equal participation of gays and lesbians in the church, including blessing same-sex covenanted relationships. Archdeacon Neil Gray, rector of St. Paul’s says some of his gay parishioners feel the church is still making them “sit at the back of the bus.” St. Margaret’s has formally called itself a reconciling congregation, which means it will advocate full inclusion of gays in the church.
The church in Canada in the 21st century will look a lot different with lay people providing congregational leadership and clergy acting as regional lay equippers and teachers. This scenario is part of a look at future models of ministry to be presented to the Diocese of New Westminster Synod this month. The report is the product of two years of deliberations. Saying the one priest-one parish model is no longer viable, the commission says the church must accord lay people greater responsibility in parishes and free clergy to act as trainers, supervisors and pastors of trainees. While clergy will still retain sole responsibility for celebrating the eucharist, almost everything else can be shared, especially under cluster ministry models which would have teams of lay people and clergy run a regional grouping of parishes.
Archbishop David Crawley joined 28 young people in the Diocese of Kootenay recently for a day of skiing on Silver Star Mountain in British Columbia. After skiing all day, Archbishop Crawley and his family took part in a question-and-answer session.
The excursion was part of a youth weekend hosted by St. James, Armstrong, B.C.