Billboards attack Christianity and Mormonism

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Anglican Journal Staff

David Silverman, president of New Jersey-based American Atheists,, unveiled the organization’s newest billboard campaign, which mocks religion in the political landscape. The billboards feature perceived aspects of Christianity and Mormonism that, according to American Atheists, have no place in politics.

In the billboard on Christianity, for instance, God is called “sadistic” and Jesus a “useless saviour.” Christianity is said to promote hate but call it “love.” In the billboard on Mormonism, God is called a “space alien” and the faith is accused of baptizing dead people.

The notices will be located in Charlotte, N.C., where the Democratic National Convention will take place Sept. 3-6. All companies contacted in Tampa, Fla., where the Republican National Convention will be held Aug. 27-30, refused to display the billboard focusing on Mormonism.

“The election of our leaders in the United States is one of the most important decisions that we, as citizens, make, said Silverman a news conference at the group’s headquarters in Cranford, N.J. “We want to show the people of our country the foolishness of mixing religion with politics.”

Added Teresa MacBain, a former pastor who is now the group’s public relations director, “Our great country was founded on the secular ideals of the Constitution. Allowing religion to be the litmus test of our candidates undermines the very core of our freedoms.” She noted that article VI of the constitution states that no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification for those desiring public office. “How can we disregard our governing principles so blatantly?”



Published by
Anglican Journal Staff