Bailey won over at study meeting

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IT IS NOT surprising that Rev. Greg Bailey has such a passion for The Bible. His introduction to it reshaped his life.

More than 20 years ago, while a successful young professional in bio-engineering, he experienced his first home Bible study meeting. A roomful of enthusiastic Christians shared over Scripture what the Lord had done in their lives that week.

“They had a spontaneity, a freedom, a joy I wanted. It had something to do with this Jesus who was so real to them and with his word they studied so eagerly,” Fr. Bailey said.

A new-found passion took him into the Anglican priesthood and in 1997 to the Canadian Bible Society as national director. “God gave me this passion for His word and I’m here with the society because God called me. I believe Jesus’ ‘Kingdom Come’ prayer will be realized only as we earnestly seek that living, loving relationship with Jesus Christ and live according to the precepts of Scripture. Scripture will teach us how to have that relationship, The Spirit will move us and God’s Word will accomplish what it set out to do.”


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