At the heart of who we are

Published by
Anglican Journal Staff

For 135 years, the Anglican Journal has published stories that inform, challenge and reflect our Anglican heritage from national and international perspectives. In addition, the Journal has served as a distribution network for a dynamic group of diocesan newspapers-publications that highlight the issues and stories that underscore the significance of local coverage.

This invaluable hub for Anglican news and information has been built by faithful and dedicated readers, contributors and supporters. Each year since 1994, readers nationwide have been invited to contribute to the Anglican Journal Appeal and each year, through gifts large and small, this news network has been sustained by your generous gifts.

Historically the Anglican Journal Appeal has raised nearly $6.5 million, and almost forty per cent of that amount, close to $2.5 million, has been returned to participating dioceses to support grassroots coverage. This year, I ask you to consider your gift in the context of this companionship. As chair of the board of the Anglican Journal, I believe this interdependence and sharing of resources speaks to the very heart of what it means to be Anglican.

I thank you for upholding the Anglican Journal and your diocesan newspaper, and encourage you to do all that you can to support this year’s Anglican Journal Appeal.

Bishop George Elliott is suffragan bishop for York-Simcoe,
 diocese of Toronto, and chair of the Anglican Journal board of directors

Gifts to the Anglican Journal Appeal can be made online at or You can also mail your gift to Anglican Journal, 80 Hayden St., Toronto, ON M4Y 3G2. For more info, call Larry Gee at 416-924-9199, ext.310 or email


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Published by
Anglican Journal Staff