3 episcopal elections held

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New bishops have been elected in the dioceses of Brandon and Caledonia, while in Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island, suffraga bishop Fred Hiltz was chosen in a single ballot to succeed Archbishop Arthur Peters as diocesan.

One of three candidates, Bishop Hiltz received 74 per cent of votes at the electoral synod on Nov. 9. He will now serve as co-adjutor bishop until Archbishop Peters officially retires in February.

Shortly after that retirement, the ecclesiastical province of Canada will vote to elect a new metropolitan or archbishop.

Born in 1953, Bishop Hiltz studied science and biology at Dalhousie Univeristy before obtaining a divinity degree from the Atlantic School of Theology. He was ordained in 1978 and served in several parishes throughout the diocese until his election as suffragan or assistant bishop in 1994.

Meanwhile, the diocese of Brandon, in western Manitoba, elected a familiar face as its bishop in October.

Jim Njegovan, 47, currently dean of the diocese and rector of St. Matthew’s Cathedral, was elected on the third ballot on Oct. 19. Bishop-elect Njegovan, who has served as diocesan administrator since Bishop Malcolm Harding retired July 31, was elected from among seven candidates.

Ordained priest in 1979 in the diocese of Rupert’s Land, Bishop-elect Njegovan served parishes in Winnipeg before becoming rector of Brandon’s cathedral in 1992. He received Bachelor of Arts and Master of Divinity degrees from St. John’s College at the University of Manitoba.

He has served on various diocesan committees, including program and planning and doctrine and worship, and was a member of the last three General Synods.

The diocese of Caledonia took 11 ballots on Oct. 20 to elect Rev. William Anderson as its new bishop. Bishop-elect Anderson, a non-stipendiary (non-salaried) priest, was one of 10 candidates.

A social worker with the Government of British Columbia for 20 years, Bishop-elect Anderson has been an associate with a consulting firm which offers training in organizational development, stress management and team building since 1997. He recently helped the diocese of Caledonia develop its sexual conduct policy.

He has served as a non-stipendiary priest since 1977, providing liturgical and pastoral services to various parishes in the western part of the diocese. Caledonia is the largest diocese in British Columbia, encompassing the northern-most half of the province.

Bishop-elect Anderson, 51, was ordained deacon in the diocese of Montreal in 1975 and was priested the same year in Cariboo. He holds a Diploma in Ministry from Montreal Diocesan Theological College, a Master of Arts in theology from McGill University and a Bachelor of Arts in religious studies and philosophy from the University of Windsor.

The diocese of Keewatin is also seeking to fill its episcopal office since Bishop Gordon Beardy announced his retirement in July. That election was to have been held on Dec. 1.


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